/manager/Index en-au 5 Australian general practitioners’ perspectives on integrating specialist diabetes care with primary care: qualitative study /manager/Repository/uon:55201 90% of patients annually) and five practices with low rates of monitoring HbA1c levels (< 80% of patients annually) from HNELHD, NSW provided the sampling frame. A total of nine GPs were interviewed. The transcripts from the interviews were reviewed and analysed to identify emergent patterns and themes. Results: Overall, GPs were supportive of DAP. They considered that DAP resulted in significant changes in their knowledge, skills, and approach and improved the quality of diabetes care. Taking a more holistic approach to care, including assessing patients with diabetes for co-morbidities and risk factors that may impact on their future health was also noted. DAP was noted to increase the confidence levels of GPs, which enabled active involvement in the provision of diabetes care rather than referring patients for tertiary specialist care. However, some indicated the program could be time consuming and greater flexibility was needed. Conclusions: GPs reported DAP to benefit their knowledge, skills and approach for managing diabetes. Future research will need to investigate how to improve the intensity and flexibility of the program based on the workload of GPs to ensure long-term acceptability of the program.]]> Wed 24 Apr 2024 13:05:58 AEST ]]> “They were all together … discussing the best options for me”: Integrating specialist diabetes care with primary care in Australia /manager/Repository/uon:46418 Tue 22 Nov 2022 13:53:50 AEDT ]]> Using the AUSDRISK score to screen for pre-diabetes and diabetes in GP practices: a case-finding approach /manager/Repository/uon:47053 Tue 13 Dec 2022 15:25:32 AEDT ]]> Hunter and New England diabetes alliance: innovative and integrated diabetes care delivery in general practice /manager/Repository/uon:46889 Tue 06 Dec 2022 11:20:24 AEDT ]]>